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Churches and TCK Caregivers 

Supporting TCKs and their families is a huge privilege! They offer a unique perspective on the world, and particularly on faith and the global church. As TCKs are not bound by one nationality or one culture, they are often able to hold this world lightly and embrace the Truth that the Gospel is for all people and that this world, with its passports and its division will pass away. As Christians, we are all citizens of Heaven first. TCK Christians, and their families, understand this firsthand. Their insight and experience is invaluable for any local church! 


That being said, TCKs and their families do require intentional and specific care, whether they are on the mission field, studying abroad, or re-patriating. With the influx of new research on TCKs and Adult TCKs, it is becoming easier for churches and supporting organisations to provide care tailored for TCKs. It's a huge gift to learn how to care for and love others well. The resources belong are to help you and your community support TCKs, and their families, well. 


If you are a church local to the Cambridge area and you would like to learn more about TCKs and how to support them in your ministry, or if you would like to provide a Family Debrief for your Missionaries, please contact me directly. I'd love to meet with you and help you develop a strategy for caring for TCKs. 

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